The first attempt failed to start all 4 supplies in bank 0.

For this test I didn't run water flow through it. I simply filled the can up and ran the test since it was basically a short 'smoke test'.

So what I found is that the 'final' dual diode warms up pretty good. I measured about 150F on it which is too high. I need to heat sink those final diodes and possibly even add a fan, or TEC to them to really keep them cool when there's load. This test was just between 1/2 and a 3/4 load test. 75 amps would = 3/4 and this was drawing 62 amps.
These diodes are rated for 150v @ 100 amps. The power supply bank that feeds them is capable of 100 amps. However I am running two wires from the positive side out which split the load one wire goes to one of the dual diodes sides the other wire to other side. I suspect this is sharing the load somewhat but I haven't tested that. I might not be too :-) Won't know for sure until I test it out next time.

I also found that the protection diodes on the power supplies where about 90F. This could just be heating up from the power supply they're connected to...and not because they're taking any sort of load (because they shouldn't be).

This didn't happen when I was pulling 33 amps. This is the first I've seen it happen, so the load test process is helping me find things I need to address.

I've thought I needed something like that for a while, but I've been putting it off.
I'm pretty sure I know the relay I want to use, but I need to find one for sale. It may take a while to find one that can be controlled by 12vdc and be able to handle 54vdc @ 200 amps :-) But I'm sure I can find one.
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