Monday, September 2, 2024

6m: Sept 2 - DXing (V51WW, JH81, E51EME, CY9C, LU9AEA...)


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

8m/6m: Aug 28 - DXing (ZR1ADI, JF95, E51EME, ...)


6m: Season Wrap-Up (2024)

6m: Season Wrap-Up

2024 has been a strange season compare to the average Jan - Aug (end) periods in recent history (in my experience).  I missed out on A2, JY, 5H, TX5S, FT4GL this year, heard them but the band didn't hold up.  I did manage to work E51EME for a #180 on 6m.  But aside from new grids that's basically it.  I worked and saw 9K2 a few times but I don't think anything else from that region was decoded by me.  That in itself is unusual over the past 7 years I've been here there've historically been fairly decent albeit short openings to the mid-east areas.  

Aside from some new Russian grids being on the Es season was really lack-luster in my opinion.

E51EME - South Cook Island - DXCC #180

FFMA: 401 - 394 = 7 new
VUCC: 1134 - 1088 = 46 new

1134 confirmed via LoTW in 6.5 Es seasons


8m has been present only when 6m Es wasn't happening, at least that my general impression for the most part it's been true with a few exceptions.

January: has some exciting paths open to 3B9, D4, ZL, TZ, SA, and some F2 into EU

February: was mostly flat here with one opening to SA on 6m, and two 8m openings one to EU and one to ZS

March: picked up a little on 6m with openings to D2, and 7Q6M, D4, SA, V51

April: Similar to March, D4, SA, ZD7, 7Q6M

May: EU, OD, 4Z, UR, 7Q6M - IN A LOT!

June: E51EME (new #180), EU, KH6, JA, UN, FT4GL (missed)

July: EU, Several 7Q's on many openings, A71VV (missed - didn't need), OX, UN, 3D2AG

August: EU + SA (on 13 days), 3B8FA 

Looking forward to Sept - Jan excitement - hopefully something good will make up for this dismal first 8 months.