If you ask any of the old timer 6m (50 Mhz) folks about hearing or working EU in October, you likely won't hear any of them regaling you with grand DX QSO stories. In fact, those I know who've been on 6m longer than 20-30-40 years have never heard of it happening.
So what we're witnessing is indeed unique / first.
Based on hearing VO beacons and no 'band noise' I suspect this is Pure foEs. But I'm not a prop-mode expert. I am fairly knowledgeable at finding DX on 6m tho!
Anyway, in case you were wondering "what's all this October excitement" - we're witnessing 6m history.
I suspect FT8 is a big reason why this is being noticed NOW, and not in the past since the digital mode "FT8" has really shown us a LOT of previously unknown things about what's possible.
So that's it kids...history right before your very eyes :-)