Saturday, August 31, 2024
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
6m: Season Wrap-Up (2024)
6m: Season Wrap-Up
Aside from some new Russian grids being on the Es season was really lack-luster in my opinion.
8m has been present only when 6m Es wasn't happening, at least that my general impression for the most part it's been true with a few exceptions.
January: has some exciting paths open to 3B9, D4, ZL, TZ, SA, and some F2 into EU
February: was mostly flat here with one opening to SA on 6m, and two 8m openings one to EU and one to ZS
March: picked up a little on 6m with openings to D2, and 7Q6M, D4, SA, V51
April: Similar to March, D4, SA, ZD7, 7Q6M
May: EU, OD, 4Z, UR, 7Q6M - IN A LOT!
June: E51EME (new #180), EU, KH6, JA, UN, FT4GL (missed)
July: EU, Several 7Q's on many openings, A71VV (missed - didn't need), OX, UN, 3D2AG
August: EU + SA (on 13 days), 3B8FA
Looking forward to Sept - Jan excitement - hopefully something good will make up for this dismal first 8 months.