Saturday, July 26, 2014

Post from HA5JI

Emails provided by VE3MMQ

Last year october put up the second 9el. yagi so I use now 2X 9el. I have a Crank-up US tower so now the higher antenna on 33mH the lower on 24mH.
I have a home made swich box so I can swich :
Lower alone
Higher alone
Both together
90  degree shift
180 degree shift
From middle May I am all days listening the 6m. The condx for SA was very small so I have about only 8 QSO's from PY, 1/LU, 2/YV. 
If the band open for Caribian  than many stations from there. So I worked about 20  new one and 4 new DXCC.  (now #149)
The condx to USA in this season was:
Juni  5.   = 6 QSO  open 12 mins
Jun   6.   = VY2ZM only
July  1.   = 3 QSO  open   9 mins
July  3.  = 3 QSO  open   3 mins
July 20. = 9 QSO  open  37 mins
July 21. = 4 QSO  open    6 mins
July 23. = 2 QSO=VE3MMQ & K2ZD
No more condx from here. So I am very tired because all days listen and listen. (crazy) 

From HA to VE3 is very rare. My friend HA5PT have DXCC 102 but never heard stations from Canada.
In 2009 July 17.  was a very good VE3 opening so I work about 5-6 VE3 QSO's.
Best 73!
Gyuri/HA5JI  JN97KN near Budapest


Yesterday was very interested that I heard you on 6m from NA  or Canada only alone a long time.
Your signals was here on the MP3 file. The QSB was too long in the QSO .
How many Europians and how many HA QSO's made in this period ?

I use here a K3 + 1,5KW with 2X9 el. LFA yagi.

Best 73 and good DX

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