I had no issues with the power supply. The final protection diodes didn't get much hotter than 95F during this test of 62 amps @ 53 vdc. In the last test I measured peaks around 180F. So my junk-pile heat sinks and muffin fans cut their temps about in half.
This test proved that my fixes for:
- The high temps on the final diodes reduced to 95F which is 50% lower than what they were at, and only 33% of their max temp spec. Plenty of headroom there now.
- The new contactor and time-delay resolved sporadic initial startup and immediate power down of random supplies (safe mode due to surge).
- Replacement of the 400A shunt with a 150A shunt resolved the low amp reading on the 150A meter (doh!). I'd read that I should overrate the shunt for safety, that proved to be incorrect. The ammeter now reads accurately.
- The voltage monitors work in-circuit now. If voltage is below or above range, the final contactor is forced open.
The only issues I had with this test was that the wires (#14 ga) on the Load Tester elements (and not the power supply being tested) started to get too hot after about 6 minutes of testing. THAT is acceptable for now :-) But I'll get some #10 for the future I think. Maybe even #8 for safety. If those wires had melted through I'd have had a fire hazard.
Fairly LONG demo video (not real stable if you get sea sick take your meds now LOL).